

From 2012-2016 Maha’s story went viral several times as she advocated in the worldwide media for public and natural term breastfeeding.

She was 49 to 53 and her daughter, whom she birthed at home at 46, was between 3 and 7 years of age. Maha was featured on many national and international television shows, magazines, newspapers including online platforms. She wanted to normalise a beautiful and healthy relationship between a mother and child as well as educate on the benefits of physiological birth and breastfeeding. Her stance was always education and trusting mothers to make the right choices for their children however that may look.

Some of the features Maha and her daughter were in included Australian Woman's Day, Take 5 magazine, Mamma Mia, Huffington Post, New York Post, Discovery Channel, Inside Story, A Current Affair, Russian TV, German TV and much more.

If you google, Maha Al Musa and breastfeeding you can still find many of the stories.

When Maha was 50 and her daughter 4, her breastmilk was tested at the Hartmann Institute WA University to show that her milk had all the beneficial nutrients just like a mother half her age. They had never had a 50 year old woman's breastmilk to test and it showed all the wonderful attributes or as Maha likes to call it Mothers Nectar.

And despite the backlash by many ignorant voices Maha also received thousands of positive comments and responses for her advocacy and she does not regret standing up for maternal rights, intuition, innate wisdom and personal choices.

There are no rules!!