EmbodyBirth™ - An Illuminated Perspective on Pregnancy and Birth

It was 1996. I held my firstborn son, Kailash, and I felt so liberated.

I was completely in awe of birth’s power.

And I remember thinking, why doesn’t anyone speak about the majestic and liberating qualities of birth? These powerful aspects are so hidden while it’s often the negative and sensationalized stories that get pushed into the limelight. I inherently knew the way birth was being portrayed needed changing so that all women, without reservation, can give birth without feeling suppressed, manipulated, or controlled.

My EmbodyBirth™ creation is a birth preparation program that shares the immense qualities of birth that are available to every woman. I believe women should have another perspective on pregnancy and childbirth that equally runs parallel to the medical model. My program provides a framework and a pathway that puts pregnant mothers at the center of the experience and wraps them in compassion and understanding.

EmbodyBirth™ invites women to see birth, not as something to be feared, but as a pinnacle journey that can be embraced. It’s an opportunity for growth and transformation where feelings can be faced, embraced, and experienced in an authentic way – a wonderful precursor to the initiation that is motherhood.

The very name of the program “EmbodyBirth” is a reflection of what takes place during birth when a woman fully embraces every moment and every emotion unfolding before her in a purely raw and unfiltered way. By opening herself up to this intentional path of meeting, not resisting, she is truly one with the experience of birth with her body and with her baby. She truly embodies birth.

EmbodyBirth™ was also designed to provide a sacred, safe space for women to connect deeply with their spiritual and energetic bodies to know that the journey is one of awakening and a transformation where the whole experience is valuable and valid. When a mother can feel herself with her baby in this place of autonomy and safety, she is more likely to birth with confidence, inner strength, and self-reliance. These states of deep conscious openness will hold her in love and my EmbodyBirth program seeks to impart the enormous benefits of how loving states within birth’s environment can have a profound impact on maternal outcomes.

Women with their babies are encouraged to fully immerse themselves in their childbirth experience with great strength as they unfold and dance through each sacred moment. My hope is that through EmbodyBirth™, all mothers can embody the grandness of the birth experience through a deeply spiritual and loving pathway, that doesn’t need to rely upon the medical model, but instead, brings them home to their own heart, hands, womb, truth, and baby.


The Benefits of BellydanceBirth® in Pregnancy and Childbirth


Overcoming Societal Pressures Associated With Natural Term Breastfeeding.